Speech Language Therapy:
Speech/Language/Feeding Evaluation can be completed for all or some of the following:
- Language Evaluation
- Feeding Evaluation: Infant to Older Child
- Oral Motor Evaluation
- Fluency Evaluation
- Voice Assessment
- Articulation/Phonology/Motor Speech Evaluation
- Pragmatic/Social Communication Skills Evaluation
- Augmentative Alternative Communication Assessments
- Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
- Motor Speed Disorder (Apraxia/Dysarthria)
- Hearing Impairment/Auditory-Verbal Therapy
- Feeding Behavioral
- Feeding Aversions
- Oral-Pharyngeal Dysphagia
- Written Language Difficulties
- Augmentative/Alternative Equipment training with therapy
- Language Therapy (Expressive and Receptive language skills)
- Pragmatic/Social Skills Training
- Articulation/Phonological Processing Deficits
- Infant Feeding Therapy and Home Program Development